Pedestrian Safety
No obstruction on city streets for smooth traffic. This happens when you:
- wait with cars idling on the street
- park in no parking zones
- block the street with a stopped car
We all use the road to get somewhere so remember to:
- SLOW DOWN to 5kph when approaching an unsignalized intersection and come to a FULL STOP before proceeding
- Look both ways before turning a corner
- Walk with a decent pace across the street
Let’s help our tireless maintenance crew by picking up after ourselves
- Pick up your pet’s poop and dispose of it properly
- Tree wells are for trees. Take your cigarette butts with you and dispose of it in the nearest trash bin
Photo Friendly
It’s okay to take photos & videos for personal use but:
- Shot permits are required for professional sessions (pre-nups/birthday shoots, commercials, AVPs, etc.)
- For security reasons, taking photos of banks, schools, embassies and the like are strictly prohibited
Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
oints to note:
- No chain, no parking allowed
- Secure your bikes properly and do not leave any valuable items on them
- Park your bike in designated bike parking only
Pedestrian Priority & #WalkBGC
Quiet Zone